
1840 Ministry of Post was established​

1855 Directorate of Telegraph was established

1871 Ministry of Post and Directorate of Telegraph were united

1901 Money order (money transfer) service was started

1909 After the establishment of telephone service, organization was turned into the Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone

1939 It has been carrying out its services as subordinate to the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications as the named of General Directorate of PTT

1984 General Directorate of PTT has been transferred into the status of the State Economic Establishment

1995 General Directorate of PTT was restructured as the General Directorate of Posts and Turk Telecom Corporation

1995 It was started automation service on money order and postal cheque services

1999 It is started to cooperation with Garanti Bankası (Körfezbank) within the transaction services

2000 The name of "General Directorate of Posts" was amended as "General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT)

2004 The name of PTTBank was registered

As the result of the developments that have been experienced with the Firman of Reform, the first Postal Organization was established as the Ministry on 23 October 1840, for the purpose of satisfying the postal needs of the whole community of the Ottoman Empire and of foreigners.

The first Post Office was opened under the name of "Postahane-i Amire" (Department of Post-Office) at the courtyard of Yeni Camii (New Mosque) in İstanbul, and the first officials, Süleyman Ağa, collector Sofyalı Ağyazar were appointed as translators in order to translate the addresses of postal items written in languages other than Turkish.

In 1843, in the 11th year of the invention of telegraph, telegraph service was started also in our country, and a separate Directorate of Telegraph was established in 1855 in order to provide this service.

In 1871, the Ministry of Post and the Directorate of Telegraph were united under the name of Ministry of Post and Telegraph.

In 1876, international postal transportation network was established and in 1901, money order was started to be accepted.

After the establishment of the first manual telephone central in Istanbul on 23 May 1909, the Ministry of Post and Telegraph was turned into the Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone in 1909 and it was given the name of the General Directorate of Post, Telegraph and Telephone in 1913.

The General Directorate of PTT which served as subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early years of our Republic, became subordinate to the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement as an annexed budgeted administration in 1933, and in 1939 has been affiliated to the Ministry of Transport.

General Directorate of PTT, which became a State Economic Enterprise (SEE) in 1954, has been transferred into the status of the State Economic Establishment (SEE) by the Decree Law No. 233 on Reorganization of the State Enterprises in 1984.

By the Law dated 18.06.1994 and No. 4000, the General Directorate of PTT was restructured and divided into two as, the General Directorate of Posts and Turk Telecom Coop. , and the General Directorate of Posts started to give service independently since 24.04.1995.

The name of Our Administration which had been "The General Directorate of Posts" was amended as "The General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT) " under the Article 24 of the Law No.4502, which entered into force by being published in the Official Newspaper numbered 23948, dated 29.01.2000.

With the "Law on Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications" issued on the Official Newspaper dated 01.11.2011 and numbered 28102 (Repeated), the organizational structure of the Ministry changed and our Ministry has continued to carry out its services with the name of "Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications".

With the "Law on Postal Services No:6475" which was been adopted and put into force by being issued on the Offical Newspaper dated 23.05.2013 and numbered 28655, the duties of our Corporation were rearranged and restructured with the name of "Postal and Telegraph Corporation".