You can send money quickly, cheaply and securely to more than 100 countries in minutes and receive the (UPT) service at all PTT points!

You can transfer money to IBAN / Account / Name in USD and EURO from all PTT points with UPT.​


Why UPT;

Because it is, fast, cheap, safe and easy…

You can come to any of 4000 PTT points and send your money safely by filling out just one form in minutes and pay less transaction fee , or you can receive your incoming money in minutes with your valid identity document.​

For sending money;

Go to the nearest PTT point with your valid identity document (Turkish Identity Card, Turkish Driver's License, Passport, or Residence Document) and fill in the money transfer form.

Give the principal amount and the sending fee to the PTT staff, in either TL, USD or EURO.

Please inform receiver about the reference number of your UPT transaction.


For receiving money;

For money transfer sent to your name, you can get your money by going to the nearest PTT point with the reference number of the transaction and your valid identity document (Identity Card, Driver's License, Passport or Residence Document).

Click here to see UPT sending fees. (transfer fees)

For reaching UPT, you can call +90 850 724 0 878.​