Packing Materials

You can send your items with for a fee/ free of charge packing meterials prepared specially for our customers.

Cardboard Shipping BoxSizesCharges
No:110*15*207,00 TL
No:212*21*2610,50 TL
No:313*23*3413,50 TL
No:417*25*4026,00 TL
No:520*30*5037,00 TL
  • Box No 1 and No 2 are free of charge for retail customers and contracted customers who sell through ePTTAVM web site.
  • Box No 1 and No 2 are provided for contracted customers -except for those who sell through ePTTAVM web site- on tariff prices.
  • Box No 3, No 4 and No 5 are provided for retail and contracted customers free of charge.
  • All cardboard shipping boxes are provided for state institutions and organizations on tariff prices.
Cardboard Box for GiftsSizesCharges
Small Size(S)4*27*326,00 TL
Medium Size(M)6*29*357,50 TL
Large Size(L)8*31*4610,50 TL
Roll BagSizesCharges
Small Size6*3814,00 TL
Large Size8*7620,00 TL
Cloth BagSizesCharges
No:125*4011,00 TL
No:240*6024,00 TL
No:350*7530,00 TL
No:460*9050,00 TL
  • Cloth bags are provided for state institutions and organizations free of charge and for all other customers on tariff prices.​​​
Envelope for transmission of Dispatch NotesSizesCharges
1402Free of charge
1403Free of charge
  • 1402 is used for domestic commercial items.
  • 1403 is used for international items.
Foam Filling MaterialSizesCharges
For every grams0,30 TL

  • This material is available only in centers in Nevşehir and Kütahya provinces where there ara foam-filling machines.
Airbag Film Rolls​SizesCharges
Type-1 (Small Bubble)19*4021,00 TL
Type-2 (Medium Bubble)15*4024,00 TL
Type-3 (Large Size-One Bubble)13*2027,00 TL
  • Airbag film rolls can only be provided in centers where there are airbag film rolls machines.
Turpex EnvelopeSizesCharges
Turpex Zarf23*324,00 TL
Turpex Cardboard BoxSizes​Charges
No:110*15*20Free of charge
No:212*21*26Free of charge
No:310*32*34Free of charge
No:418*32*34Free of charge
No:534*32*34Free of charge
  • Turpex envelope and boxes can only be used for Turpex items.
Security BagSizesCharges
No:119*264,00 TL
No:224*334,50 TL
No:329*355,00 TL
No:432*456,50 TL
Plastic Shipping EnvelopeSizesCharges
No:116*23Free of charge
No:223*32Free of charge
No:327*37Free of charge
No:432*45Free of charge
No:545*646,00 TL
No:6100*13040,00 TL
Tyvek EnvelopeSizesCharges
Small size16*239,00 TL
Medium size23*3214,00 TL
Large size33*4520,00 TL
Bubble Tyvek EnvelopeSizesCharges
Small size16*2320,50 TL
Medium size23*3230,00 TL
Large size33*4560,00 TL
Bendy Bubble Tyvek EnvelopeSizesCharges
Small size16*2320,50 TL
Medium size23*3230,00 TL
Large size33*4560,00 TL
Paper EMS EnvelopeSizesCharges
C5 size16*23​1,50 TL
C4 size23*321,75 TL
  • Kağıt APS Kurye Zarfları yalnızca APS Kurye gönderilerinde ve içeriğinde 5 sayfaya kadar evrak olan gönderilerde kullanılır.
Small size10*1611,50 TL
Medium size16*3219,50 TL
Large size30*3637,00 TL
Packaging and LabelingSizesCharges
Plastic / Paper20*261,50 TL
24*331,50 TL
29*351,50 TL
32*451,50 TL
Plastic32*45 (4 cm thick)3,00 TL
32*45 (8 cm thick)​3,00 TL
  • Packaging and labeling services can only be provided in Ankara and İstanbul.
  • Packaging and labeling services are free of charge for contracted customers and on tariff prices for retail customers.
  • All the Sizes are in centimeters.​​​