Printed Papers

Anykind of newspaper, magazine, gravure, plan, map that bear writing, picture orimage on them and do not hold qualification of individual communication,which are produced via printing technique by hand, machine or photography on any kind of paper, cardboard or other materials, are called "printed paper" regardless of they have an addresson them or not.


It is a necessity that items have a statement of "Imprimé" or "Printed" on them.

All envelopes, letters, papers, business cards, cards with or without picture,bound items, receipts, bills, sales slips, notebooks, pay rolls, formulas, schedules and lists that have blanks on them in order to fill at a and laterstage, and have printed address blanks for sender and receiver cannot be passedfor printed paper.

Because of those blanks to fill at a later stage, these items are assumed asstationery, providing that the number of the items (without bound receipts,bills, sales slips, notebooks exc.) less than 10 may be passed for printedpaper.

Writings that produced by type writer and duplications copied by carbon, hand pressings that carried out by stamps with alterable or inalterable letters, punched papertapes, mecanograpic cards that hold hole or marker on them, films and records,disc, CD/DVD, flash discs, banknotes, bill of exchanges, coupons, checks,lottery tickets, any kind of stamps, any kind of valuable papers cannot bepassed for printed paper. According to circumstance, these are passed forpostal items or cargo.

Printed papers should be package on a condition that allows checking out the inside andprotects the interiors sufficiently.

Printed papers can be posted as registered or unregistered.

Weight limit: 2 kilograms

PrintedPapers That Contain Only Book and Brochure;

-Maximum 2 kg for Ireland and Canada

-Maximum 5 kg for other countries



Maximum: Length,width and depth combined 90 cm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 60cm.

Inroll form, length plus twice the diameter 104 cm, but the greatest dimensionmay not exceed 90 cm.

Minimum: Not less than 9x14 cm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.

Inroll form, length plus twice the diameter 17 cm, but the greatest dimension maynot be less than 10 cm.


Thecards that hold images with the theme of congratulation, thanking, condolence,compliment, wish, greeting or love, and New Year and Feast Day cards are calledas "Greeting Cards".

Accordingto their weight, greeting cards that contain any communication expression canbe accepted with a fee which equals to post cards.

Greetingcards can be posted as registered or unregistered.


Maximum: Length,width and depth combined 90 cm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 60cm.

Minimum: Having a side not less than 9x14 cm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.

Inroll form, length plus twice the diameter 17 cm, but the greatest dimension maynot be less than 10 cm.

It is a necessity that items have a statement of "Imprimé" or "Printed" on them.

All envelopes, letters, papers, business cards, cards with or without picture,bound items, receipts, bills, sales slips, notebooks, pay rolls, formulas,schedules and lists that have blanks on them in order to fill at a and laterstage, and have printed address blanks for sender and receiver cannot be passedfor printed paper.

Becauseof those blanks to fill at a later stage, these items are assumed asstationery, providing that the number of the items (without bound receipts,bills, sales slips, notebooks exc.) less than 10 may be passed for printedpaper.

Writingsthat produced by type writer and duplications copied by carbon, hand pressingsthat carried out by stamps with alterable or inalterable letters, punched papertapes, mecanograpic cards that hold hole or marker on them, films and records,disc, CD/DVD, flash discs, banknotes, bill of exchanges, coupons, checks,lottery tickets, any kind of stamps, any kind of valuable papers cannot bepassed for printed paper. According to circumstance, these are passed forpostal items or cargo.

Printedpapers should be package on a condition that allows checking out the inside andprotects the interiors sufficiently.

Printedpapers can be posted as registered or unregistered.

Weightlimit: 2 kilograms

PrintedPapers That Contain Only Book and Brochure;

-Maximum 2 kg for Ireland and Canada

-Maximum 5 kg for other countries


Maximum: Length,width and depth combined 90 cm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 60cm.

Inroll form, length plus twice the diameter 104 cm, but the greatest dimensionmay not exceed 90 cm.

Minimum: Not less than 9x14 cm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.

Inroll form, length plus twice the diameter 17 cm, but the greatest dimension maynot be less than 10 cm.


Newspaper can be posted as registered or unregistered.


Maximum: Length, width and depth combined 90 cm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 60 cm.

In roll form, length plus twice the diameter 104 cm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 90 cm.

Minimum: Having a side not less than 9x14 cm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.

In roll form, length plus twice the diameter 17 cm, but the greatest dimension may not be less than 10 cm.


Printed documents (domestic/international or registered/unregistered) that have same destination and same receiver address, such as printed papers, newspaper, periodical exc. are called "M Bags".

Weight Limit:

Maximum: 30 kg (United Kingdom 20 kg)