
What is Pttkart?

It is a payment instrument that allows real person postal cheque account holders within our company to withdraw cash from bank ATMs, to use it for domestic and international shoppings instead of cash and to pay invoice, make payments of contracted institutions, to make transfers and etc. transactions along with cash withdrawal from Pttmatics.

How can I become a Pttkart holder?

In order to get a Pttkart, you just need to apply to any PTT Workplace and open a Postal Check Account.

In addition, Pttkart is provided to all our customers who receive pensions through our Company and all those who are recruited under the Military Enlistment Department of the Ministry of National Defense for payments.

Within the scope of Pttkart projects, Artisan Pttkart specific to artisans, Motif card specific to Civil Servants Association members, Agricultural Credit Common Card specific to farmers, Campus Pttkart specific to University students and administrative and academic staff are provided.

How can I get my Pttkart delivered?

You can get your Pttkart delivered instantly from PTT workplaces during the application or you can request that it be delivered to your address when applying.

Are there any fees charged for Pttkart?

Card dues and operating fees are not charged for Pttkart.

Is it possible to do shopping on the internet with Pttkart?

You can do shopping using your Pttkart on internet using the 3D secure infrastructure if you have a balance on your Pttkart. When shopping on websites that support the 3D secure infrastructure, shopping is completed with a one-time password information transmitted to your mobile phone registered in the system. With the secure shopping method on the Internet, transactions are prevented by using card information over the Internet without customer approval.

 In order to make e-commerce transactions, you can remove the domestic and international transaction restrictions of your Pttkart via PTT Call Center numbered 444 1 788 and at the PTT workplaces.

Important information about your Pttkart?

·         From the moment you receive your card, your responsibility for your card begins.

·         For your safety, please sign the back of your card.

·         You can get your password by calling the PTT Call Center on 444 1 788 or from the nearest PTT workplace. Please change your password from PTT Workplace or Pttmatics. For your safety, do not share the password of your card with others. In order to receive a password through the call center, your GSM number must be registered in the PTT systems.

·         Do not use easily predictable numbers such as your date of birth for your security when setting your password.

·         If you forget the password for your card, contact the PTT Call Center on 444 1 788 or the nearest PTT workplace.

·         In case your card is lost or stolen, please call the PTT Call Center on 444 1 788 as soon as possible.

·         Your account statement is issued in Turkish Lira (TL). Transactions made in foreign currency are converted into US Dollars (USD) by international card organizations and the corresponding Turkish Lira (TL) is debited to your account.

·         You are required to inform the nearest PTT workplace of the changes in your home/ work address or other contact information within 15 (fifteen) days.

·         If you are the rightful owner receiving your salary from PTT, the holder of Agricultural Credit Common Card, Motif Card and Campus Pttkart, you must perform the account activation process by applying to the nearest PTT workplace with a valid identity document in order to be able to make a transaction with the card sent to you.