Product Sales Transactions

Selling a Call Card

The sale of various types of long distance calling cards of Türk Telekom A.Ş. are made at all our PTT workplaces.

Our types of calling cards sold:​


GSM TL deposit

  • Pttcell
  • Turkcell
  • Vodafone
  • TT Mobil

You can perform virtual TL/CEPLIRA deposits to numbers belonging to Gsm operators from all PTT workplaces.

In addition, besides paying cash, Turkcell customers, can perform the the process of depositing virtual TL with a bank card via virtual pos from all our workplaces in the same way.

Pttcell invoice collection transactions are made without transaction fees.

A transaction fee of 2.5 TL is charged for bill collections belonging to other GSM companies.

​Other Product Sales


Card Sale Price: 5 TL

İNİNAL KART sales is done in PTT main offices and selling of prepaid credits is done from PTTmatics and in PTT main offices.

After buying ININAL KART, you can make secure and discount shopping in every workplace with MasterCard Logo and Internet.Anyone older than 12 years of age can buy İNİNAL KART and load prepaid credits.


You can buy prepaid credits for Passolig Kart; presented to customers for entry to stadiums and sports facilities, from PTTmatics, in PTT main offices and offices with/without PTTcard.

Ankara Kart(Transportation Card)

You can buy prepaid credits for ANKARA KART (transportation cards) from PTTmatics with/without PTTcard. No fee is charged for buying credits with PTTcard. 0,50 TL transaction fee is charged for buying credits without PTTcard.

PTTKitap (PTT Book Sale)

Kitap TH A.Ş.

You can reach any book you like from any point of Türkiye in a short while with PTT now. The book you ordered and paid for in our offices, will be shipped to your address with PTT Kargo. Now only serving in Sirkeci and Beyoğlu PTT main offices as a trial period, this service will soon be extended to all around Türkiye.

Coal Sale

Safi Coal

With the protocol signed between our Corporation and Safi Katı Yakıt Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş the sale of coal to the real entities or corporate customers has been started. Customers who gets their salary payments from our Corporation can buy coal for cash or sales on credit with 8 even payments. For cash sales are limited to 10 tons; for the sales on credit it is limited to 3 tons. Coal sale is done in all of our offices however the deliveries are only limited to cities; Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Erzurum, Giresun, Trabzon, Eskişehir, Van and Ordu for now. But soon cities; Karabük, Kars, Gümüşhane, Rize, Niğde, Karaman and Artvin will be added to the list of delivery locations.

Belko Ankara Kömür Ltd.Şti.

With the protocol signed between our Corporation and BELKO Ankara Kömür Asfalt Enerji İnşaat San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti the sale of coal to the customers inside Ankara city limits has been started.

In the sales for cash it is 590 TL, for sales on credit it is 595 TL. Sales on credit can be done with PTTBonus, Vakıfbank, +Bonus, Axess, World and Maximum cards with 5 payments.