PttCard Chargeback

You have the right of objection for cash withdrawals/deposits from/to the other bank ATMs, for POS transaction objections and transactions occurring without your knowledge with Pttkart. Your right of objection is evaluated in accordance with the rules established by national and international organizations. Since the documents submitted by the other bank or workplace are examined when evaluating the Chargebacks, there is a period of 15 to 120 days of chargeback depending on the type of transaction and the reason for the chargeback.

If your balance is missing or not visible in your account as a result of cash withdrawals and deposits made with Pttcard at other bank ATMs,

If the POS transaction amount you paid with Pttcard is withdrawn from your account repeatedly, if the workplace offers the product or service incompletely, defectively or does not offer it at all,

If a cash withdrawal or POS transaction has been made with your Pttcard without your knowledge;

You can submit your Pttcard chargeback requests through, Pttbank mobile application, or from our 444 1 788 numbered call center or you can send the form you filled out to the address


Click for the Chargeback form