It is a kind of service for your urgent items which you wish to send abroad and this is a primary service provided with 110 countries through bilateral agreements with postal operators of destination countries.

By the virtue of International Postal System (IPS), tracking of EMS is carried out with 90 countries by electronic information exchange. Tracking of EMS can be made through our web site by sender/addressee or destination country.

This service is consisted additional express/airplane services and there are no special additional services can be applied.

Compensation will be paid to the right holders in the case of loss, theft and damage in the framework of bilateral agreements.

The duration for inquiry relating to these items is limited with 4 months starting from the day after it is posted.

Commercial EMS Service

E-commerece products whose value do not exceed 15.000 Euro within the context of indirect representation and simplified procedure, are accepted without collecting any additional fee.

Customs declaration is given before the items are dispatched abroad. On the request of customer, customs decleration number is transmitted via e-mail.

Customers can take their tax refunds from "Vedop" by this customs decleration number.