GSM Bill Collections

You can make bill payments for GSM Companies (Turkcell, Vodafone, TT Mobil, Pttcell) through PTT, the widest payment center in Türkiye in terms of coverage, from all our workplaces, Pttmatics and through the Interactive Postal Cheque Account (IPC) system.

In addition, you can easily pay your Pttcell, Turkcell, TT Mobile and Vodafone bill payments thanks to the automatic payment instruction that you will give via your postal cheque account without the hassle of tracking.

* Pttcell invoice collection transactions are made without transaction fees.

** A transaction fee of TL 2.50 per transaction is charged from customers for TT Mobil, Turkcell and Vodafone bill collection transactions.

*** The transaction fee charged is not valid for transactions made with an automatic payment order.​