Registered Electronic Mail
In accordance with the law no 7101 “the Law Amending the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law and Some Other Laws", e-Notification service has been provided through the National Electronic Notification System (NENS) from the date of 01/01/2019. So, PTT has not been provided e-Notification service through the Registered Electronic Mail (REM) system from that date on.
For further information about the e-Notification, please click on the link
For further information about the e-Apostille, please click on the link
What is Registered e-Mail?
In addition to the standard e-Mail, REM is a system which guarantees that the content has not been changed and generates legally valid evidence sets each of one includes the following features.
- Whether the REM is sent or not,
- If the REM is sent, whether it is reached or not,
- Whether the REM is read or not,
- The delivery date information.
Why is REM required?
Nowadays, standart e-mail is widely used in business operations and administrative activities. However, standard e-mail system has some drawbacks as given in the statements below.
- Generates evidence sets which are limited number and qualification legally.
- The burden of proof lies in sender.
- Time information depends on the time settings of the sender's computer, which reduces the evidence value for the conflict situations in time.
- The content of the standart e-mail can be changed easily.
Check out our official web site at further information.
Relevant Legislation On Registered Electronic Mail (REM)
Turkish Commercial Code Law No 6102
Check out Art. 18/(3), Art. 1525/(1)-(2) for further information about concerned legislation on REM.
Click on to reach the Relevant Regulations and Communiques about the REM system.
Membership Application
To open a Registered Electronic Mail account, customers (real persons, public institutions and organizations and other legal entities) can get their accounts from the nearest PTT Branch Office with the necessary documents for application.
Click on to reach the PTT Branch Offices for which REM applications can be made.
Click on to check up the necessary documents for REM applications and related guides for use.
Online Pre-Application and Online Application
Real persons who have the e-signature can also get REM account by making “Online Application".
For the real persons, public institutions and organizations and other legal entities who want to become a member of the Registered Electronic Mail system can make an Online Pre-Application to accelerate the application process. Then, customers can complete the application process by visiting PTT Branch Offices with the Pre-Application number that is given online.
Click on to make an online pre-application and online application.
Click on to reach the REM prices.
Apostille is a document approval system which allows the legal use of a formal document in another country by verifying its accuracy. The rules of the Apostille were established by the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961. Apostille rules bind only the members of the Hague Convention or contracting countries. The implementation of this document approval system in electronic environment is called e-Apostille.
E-Apostille procedure consists of applying for the document requested to be apostilled, forwarding the application to the authorized institution for the apostille (Ministry of Justice or Ministry of the Interior), creation of the relevant document in electronic form by authorized institution and delivery of the document to the applicant through website using secure data transmission paths. By this way, the time, labor and financial losses to reach apostilled documents will be prevented.
The document created by the relevant institution in electronic environment and e-apostilled is signed by PTT with Qualified Electronic Certificate (QEC) and delivered to the applicant. Thus, the accuracy and integrity of the delivered document is ensured. Foreign authorities to which the electronic documents are delivered can confirm the accuracy of these documents by using the “I want to verify document button.
Price information:
The amount of the service to be paid for the e-Apostille service, for the Criminal Record Document given by the Justice Commission Precidencies of the Ministry of Justice is (independent from the number of pages) 25 TL (VAT included), for the Court Decisions of the Judicial Commission Precidencies of the Ministry of Justice (independent from the number of pages) is 50 TL (VAT included).
Which documents can I obtain?
With the e-Apostille System, you can request apostille application for your documents prepared electronically. Currently you can apply for the following documents::
- Criminal Record
- Court Decision
E-notificationis the delivering of notifications, which made up electronically by recourses that are authorized to issue a communique in the eyes of the Law of Notification, to the receivers in a way, which cannot be change and deny through registered electronic mail.
All state institutions and organizations and natural or legal persons may be affiliated with the e-Notification system. The recourses that are authorized to issue acommunique in the eyes of the Law of Notification will be able to send e-notification and the addressee may receive the e-Notification.
The addressees who request e-notification address are obliged to have a convenient e-mail account.
By operation of Law of Notification No 7201, e-notification can be made via KEP account that provided only by PTT Corporation. Additionally, institutions and organizations have already started to send e-notification on the basis of the system.
By operation of Law of Notification, "It is an obligation to make notification to Limited Companies, Incorporated Companiesand Partnership Limited by Shares electronically." E-notifications might be sent to the receivers KEP accounts.
! Therefore, from the point of above mentioned companiesto have a registered electronic mail account, which is favorable fore-notification is a mandatory provision.
What is 'E-Correspondence'?
Information Society Strategy that presents the strategic priorities in terms of Türkiye's conversion to information community and the precautions to be applied from 2006 to 2010 was published on the Official Gazette dated 28/07/2006 and no 26242 andentered into force with the judgment of Higher Planning Council.
Via "Setting Off Common Services" action that takes part in Information Society Strategy Action Plan Annex No.73, to do studies about centrally presentation of some functions, which co-executed among state institutions and organizations, has been foreseen and the Ministry of Development has been determined as legal responsible for the aforesaid action.
Within the context of this action, so as to enhance the common rules set, which provides conducting government correspondence among the state institutions and organizations electronically, "e-Correspondence Project" has been started in 2010 by the Ministry of Development.
To ensure that government correspondence among the state institutions and organizations have been conducting electronically, in coordination with the Ministry of Development Electronic Correspondence Project has been conducting. The Presidency, the Prime Ministry, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry ofInternal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Development take part in the project as pilot institutions and these institutions have been running studies in order to send / receive electronic correspondence packages among themselves.
While the transactions in question, initially providing by PTT Corporation thanks to itssafety infrastructure, with the activation of KEP service, these transactions have been started to be processed through infrastructure of KEP.
While the studies among the six state institutions that determined as pilot for the use of this application have been going on, experiments between the Presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been completed and the correspondence through these have been conducting via KEP infrastructure of PTT Corporation asof 06.03.2014.
In addition, as of 25.04.2014 the Ministry of Development and as of 15.05.2014 General Directorate of Civil Aviation started to correspond through KEP infrastructure of PTT.
- -Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) Legislation
- -Turkish Commercial Code no.6102
- Article 18/3
- Article 1525/1
- Article 1525/2
- -Electronic Notification Legislation
- -Electronic Notification Regulations
With relation to measure of security, PTT KEP System practice following standards:
- a)ETSI TS 102 640
- b)TS ISO/IEC 27001 or ISO/IEC 27001
- c)BS 10012, (Security of Data)
- d)ISO/IEC 27031, (Business Continuity)
- E-signature affirmation
- Time stamp
- Confidentiality
- Coverage
- Undeniability
- Rapid transmission
The customers (natural persons, state institutions and organizations and private law legal entities) that eager to be a member of Registered Electronic Mail and Electronic Notification Systems may get an account from the nearest PTT Central Directorates by presenting the necessary documents and information.
Retailcustomers (Natural Persons) that owner of an e-signature may make an entry tothe system online as an alternative.
In order tomake a quicker application, natural persons, state institutions and organizationsand private law legal entities that want to appeal for a KEP account addressthrough PTT Central Directorates may appeal online initially and visit the PTTCentral Directorates with their "Online Application Number".
Other Services that Provides By PTT Free of Charge
Virus Scanning | Free of Charge |
E-mail Notification | Free of Charge |
One Transaction Authorized for Each Account | Free of Charge |
Additional All Transactions Authorized for Each Account | Free of Charge |
Receiving/Sending Mail | Free of Charge |
100 MB Post Box | Free of Charge |
Notification Massage for System Access and Change of Password | Free of Charge |