Legal Ground

Republic of Türkiye Post, Telegraph and Telephone Administration, established under the Law No.6145 came into force by publication in the Official Journal dated 17.07.1953, has been restructured as "Turkish Telecommunication Coop." and "General Directorate of Post" by Law No.4000 respecting amendment of one Article of Law No.406 for Telegraph and Telephone and supplementation of some Supplementary and Provisory Articles to the said Law; and it has been stated under the Law no.4000 that services pertaining to Post and Telegraph Facility and Administration shall be carried out by General Directorate of Posts.

The name of the "General Directorate of Posts" which takeS place within the Telegraph and Telephone Law No. 406 and its amendments, was changed as "The Republic of Türkiye General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization" (PTT) by respecting the Law No. 4502.

According to the Article 21 of "Law on Postal Services No.6475" dated 09.05.2013 which was published in Official Gazette numbered 28655 dated 23.05.2013, "Postal and Telegraph Corporation (PTT)" was established and went into action with the registration in the trade registry on 02.09.2013. As of the same date, the actions of General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization were terminated.

According to paragraph 3/Article 31 of the same Law, the expression "The Republic of Türkiye General Directorate of Postal Corporation" which was in the part of "B-Public Economic Organizations" in the supplementary list to the "Decree on Public Economic Enterprises No.233 dated 08.06.1984" was removed from the list. The references to be made to "The Republic of Türkiye General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization" in the other legislation shall be considered as being made to Postal and Telegraph Corporation (PTT).

The whole capital of PTT Corporation is belonged to the State Treasury. The rights and powers of Undersecretariat of Treasury such as vote, administration, representation, auditing based on its share ownership on PTT Corporation shall be used by Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications provided that Undersecretariat of Treasury reserves the right to ownership and the right to profit sharing and all the financial rights stemmed from the share ownership.
PTT Corporation is subject to the "Law on the Regulation of Auditing by Turkish Grand National Assembly the Public Economic Enterprises and Funds No.3346 dated 02.04.1987".

The principles of PTT Corporation concerning its organization, amount of capital, shares, accounts and profit sharing are determined in its "Articles of Association".